rlm Using the Internet to Make Your Life Easier

Most Recent Projects

Below are new designs that have been completed in the last 12 months.  Some were new sites, some were redesigns of existing client sites and some were redesigns for new clients.

Compressed Air Challenge 

Compressed Air Challenge


CAC is a national organization promoting energy efficiency in the compressed air arena.

RLM took over their site and optimized it for maintenance.  RLM is currently developing a new design for the site and hosts and maintains the current site.

Client: Compressed Air Challenge
Client Since: 2008
New Site Online: October 2011
New Mojo Site Online: June 2017

Pikes Peak Restorative Justice Council

Pikes Peak Restorative Justice Coalition


Pikes Peak Restorative Justice Coalition is a Colorado Springs based organization that has training and workshops on restorative justice.

RLM designed a new site for them using MojoPortal.

Client: Pike Peak Restorative Justice Coalition
Client Since: 2001
This Version Online: June 2017


Rocky Mountain Association of Energy Engineers


RMAEE is a Colorado based organization representing Colorado Energy Engineers.

RLM took over maintenance of this site back in 2003.  RLM redesigned the site in 2017 using the MojoPortal CMS.

Client: RMAEE
Client Since: 2003
Current Design Online: April 2017

Gresham Solutions

Gresham Solutions


Gresham Solutions is owned by Kisha Gresham, a conference planter from the Atlanta Area.

RLM Designed a new site for her using MojoPortal.

Client: Kisha Gresham
Client Since: 2017
New Site Online: March 2017


National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO)


NASEO is DC based organization representing state energy office officials.

NASEO was RLM's first client back in 1995.  RLM is working with NASEO to develop a new look for the site and add new features to assist the NASEO membership and NASEO Staff

Client: NASEO, Washington, DC
Client Since:
This version online: January 2010

NASEO Annual Meeting 

NASEO Annual Meeting


NASEO is a DC based organization representing the state energy officials from all 50 states and territories.

RLM designed a web site specifically for their annual meeting.  The site will be used for other big events also.

Client: NASEO
Client Since: 1995
Site Online: June 2011




Sam Rashkin is a for his builder training business..

RLM developed the site and assists in maintaining it.

Client: Sam Rashkin
Client Since:
New Site Online: 2016

Collaborative Efficiency

Collaborative Efficiency


Collaborative Efficiency is a Spokane based energy efficiency consultant, Pat Keegan

RLM quickly put together a WordPress template site so client could have it ready for a conference in a week.  The site was later revised into

Client: Collaborative Efficiency
Client Since: January 2013
Revised Site Online: August 2016

Energy and Environmental Building Alliance 

Energy and Environmental Building Alliance


EEBA is an international organization headquartered in Minneapolis, MN the promotes education on energy efficient and green building technologies.

RLM has been maintaining the EEBA web site since 1998 and has redesigned the site 4 times.  The new site design was designed in house and went online in 2014.  RLM currently hosts the site and maintains the registration system.

Client: Energy and Environmental Building Alliance, Eden Prairie, MN
Client Since: 1998
This Version Online: 2014


National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO)


National organization based in Washington, DC that represents Energy Service Companies. 

In 2014, RLM is came up with a new design and converted the site to MojoPortal CMS.

Client Since: November 2004
Current Site Online: May 2014

Northeat Home Energy Rating System Alliance 

Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance


NEHERS Alliance is a Northeast based organization of home energy rating companies and organizations.

RLM designed the first NEHERS web site back in the late 1990s.  RLM is currently redesigning and reorganizing the web site and adding a lot of programmed features to the site to make it easier to maintain and update.

Client: NEHERS Alliance
Client Since: 1998
This Version Online: August 2016

Joel Laufer P.C.

Laufer and Padjen, LLC


Laufer and Padjen, LLC is a Denver based law firm specializing in handling corporate bankruptcies. 

RLM created the original design and currently hosts and maintains the site.

Client: Joel Laufer
Client Since: 1999
This Version Online: 2016


Coalition of Northeastern Governors


Washington, DC based organization of the seven northeastern Governors.  RLM currently hosts and maintains the site.

Client: CONEG Policy Research Center, Washington, DC
Client Since: 1999
This Version Online: 2015

Client Comments:

"R. L. Martin and Associates worked closely with the CONEG Policy Research Center to consult on, design, and implement the web site: www.coneg.org. After its inauguration in Fall of 1998, the Center received numerous compliments on the ease of navigating the site, its appearance and content. R. L. Martin and Associates continues to maintain and update the site when called upon, and always provides prompt, courteous and professional service to the Center and its staff. We value Randy's expertise, and look forward to continuing our working relationship."

-- Tom Critzer, CONEG


Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)


Boulder Colorado based energy efficiency organization.

RLM redesigned the initial design in 2010.  RLM currently hosts and maintains the site.

Client: Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
Client Since:
New Version Online: January 2010


© 1996-2017 r. l. martin & associates, inc.
1059 Fairfield Avenue, Windsor, CO 80550
office/mobile 970.219.2605 • email [email protected]